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Respawn LAN Forums _ General Stuff _ Respawn V18 Comments & Criticism Thread!

Posted by: Tank Oct 10 2010, 11:03 AM

Hey everyone;

Well we had an amazing weekend; but did you?! we want to know!

We want POSITIVE -and- NEGATIVE feedback, we like to hear what we did well, but we also like to hear what we need to do better.

all i need to ask is that to be constructive;

instead of "Respawn sucked." put "I didn't enjoy Respawn because of....."

and ditto for Positive biggrin.gif Please :3



Posted by: recKz Oct 10 2010, 11:09 AM

Awesome just because it respawn smile.gif I believe everything ran well!

Didn't enjoy when the power kept going out..... I know how sorry you all are and i forgive smile.gif
Just maybe lock the door next time so no one can get down there and turn it off wink.gif ?

Posted by: priorax Oct 10 2010, 11:41 AM

Pros -
New pizzas were win
From what I saw, more people were gaming then at previous Respawns
Lots of Nerf
Less Steam problems around me than at previous LANs
Respawn-Tank-Cafe-Thing seemed very organised
Pings stayed open, woot

Cons (which are probably out of your control)-
Power outages causing delay in competitions
Steam Friday updates... They are far too annoying
Some players in the TF2 comp didn't know the rules (as seen on the forums), and were rolling out mini-sentries (not that they were much of an issue).
I know the guy who was sitting accross from me had an issue connecting to the mumble server and to the tf2 server (competition servers) without getting a ping of >400, I did check his task manager, all he had open besides Steam.exe and hl2.exe were the standard vista stuff noone cares about

Posted by: Abercrombie Oct 10 2010, 11:42 AM

The network and custom EMS for notifications were awesome!

Posted by: TechL Oct 10 2010, 12:28 PM

Only annoying thing was the power outage, delayed the Flatout 2 comp which I didn't wanna miss out on, luckily I didn't, and I didn't get to purchase a hot dog this time sad.gif

Other than that was great as usual.

Posted by: Goob Oct 10 2010, 04:55 PM

Network was win....power outages were fail.
Minecraft was win.....
That is all...

Posted by: Ezkaton Oct 10 2010, 07:32 PM

- Cheap food.
- More gaming.
- No Steam issues (for myself or anybody I knew).
- I personally had a more enjoyable time overall, as opposed to v17... which was largely related to not having a dickhead behind me yelling shit out to people across the hall/in general every 3 seconds, and yelling to his friends only 1-2 seats away. MUCH better this time around.

Respawn participant issues;
- Intense body odour from at least 60% of the participants.
- Morons constantly yelling stupid shit out across the hall.
- Tools with NERF guns.
- General dickheads with ego problems.
- Some failure abusing me on DC, 'cause I didn't want any of his shared files...

General Respawn issues;
- Power outages (they got me last time, but not this time, so I know how much it sucks for all involved).
- Network cables taking foreverrrrrrrr to rock up... but I am glad they got there eventually... as my cable wasn't quite long enough due to the new table layouts.

I think that's all, really.

Posted by: coruphius Oct 10 2010, 09:22 PM

coruphius aka fartbag:

had a ball! yelling was entertaining but it did get annoying but you'd expect that at LAN's (cant be serious all the time)

comps were great even tho i kept on getting pwnd!

needed more AFK comps to get people up and about to stratch their legs etc

needed random stuff put on the big screen lol!


Posted by: EL3M3NT Oct 10 2010, 09:56 PM

was my first time going to respawn was pretty sick... but i reckon respawn should maybe have more afk and games comps cause it did get a bit boring after the comps were finished but apart from that everything was pretty sweet and the food was pretty cool... as for the power oo well shit happens i didnt mind having a break anyway smile.gif

Posted by: riskkk Oct 10 2010, 11:10 PM

pos - free lollipops from tank and free red bull
neg - no sc2 sad.gif was a little disappointed

had a great time though, fantastic work guys and girls

Posted by: +++ Oct 10 2010, 11:33 PM


- fun fun fun, as per usual
- i got to sticky tape and duct tape my ethernet cable to my case...
- free chupachups**
- free redbull**

** saw post above tongue.gif

- watching like 30 people get up and go looking for the loser turning off the power was lol.

- SMALL nerf guns, SMALL AMMO alright


- power out for me once
- our switch kept fucking up. zardoz said it was "randomly decided to restart" or something. it did it a fair few times just randomly through the night.

- BIG nerf guns, BIG AMMO can go get fucked.
- BIG nerf guns, BIG AMMO can go get fucked.
- BIG nerf guns, BIG AMMO can go get fucked. (srsly)

- 353/425 ppl ---> saddens me, cause you compare how many ppl actually rego'd for it and how many didnt show. i reckon you should introduce some sort of blacklisting system, if you are confirmed and don't show up, mark next to your account.... and then next lan, when you bump the player list, ppl with 0 marks nxt to their name are sorted up to the top, then ppl with 1 mark nxt to their name, etc etc... so its sort of like a penalty for not showing up, while also somewhat helping to prevent those 70 ppl who didnt show from doing it again.

(excuse the lack of formatting on that last dot point, i'm still buggered biggrin.gif)

hope that helps

Posted by: ShotgunPreacher Oct 11 2010, 12:22 AM


- TF2 comp. Our team was randoms 2 of us only starting to play this weekend. We lost, but had heaps of fun!

- Cafe up front. Good food, good prices!

-Diablo2, not many of us played but it was a great blast from the past.

-Helpful techies up the front for noobs like me.


-The loud COD players screaming crap at others across the room. Not necessary.

-The person who smelled like they pooped their pants sitting near me. Winning a match of COD is not as important as personal dignity!

-The scary power cable sparking up and threatening to kill us all. (was fixed thankfuly)

-Lack of AFK stuff...

First time coming and it was a blast! Thanks heaps.

Posted by: Jeffy Oct 11 2010, 12:28 AM

Hey guys,

I've been reading this since I got in the door about 20mins ago from Respawn LAN. Thank you for the candid feedback. It's only because of you honest "Spawners" (I couldn't think of a witty comment), that we can go "hey that worked, or wow, that really sucked....

Do you have friends who sat with you? Or near you? nudge them to write a post on our forums! We want to stay the best LAN party out there! And it's only with your help and comments that we can! Be as candid as you like, for example....

Candid Comment: That squid guy gives great High5's
Non Candid: oh yeah, it didnt seem to work.... <-- What didnt work? Thats what we mean


Jeffy smile.gif

Edit: ShotgunPreacher I think... :3 - We love that you had a blast, the effort we put in, is to see you guys go... "WOW THEY CAN LANPARTY"... (ps: Tell your friends)... Yes that cable was bad, but we got it fixed biggrin.gif

Posted by: Lord Infamous Oct 11 2010, 02:44 AM

It's a lan, lans are cool

I tried to "Volunteer", but found there was little order AND Tabk felt the need to yell at us like we we're earning $6 an hour at Mcdonalds. Yes We realise you asked for help once, but did we hear it the first time? NO. Was there reason to yell the second time because you assumed everyone was ignoring you? NO. so STFU

Posted by: dead_man Oct 11 2010, 06:08 AM

yea SC2 was a PITA!

LTU was blocking something funky coz even though i allowed a few ppl full access to the network is still wouldnt connect to!

hopefully next lan i can sort something out.


Posted by: Akkers Oct 11 2010, 08:23 AM

This was my first respawn and it was awesome biggrin.gif

1 Con:

When is the next respawn tongue.gif

Posted by: dead_man Oct 11 2010, 08:55 AM

plans are under way for possibly a christmas lan biggrin.gif

Posted by: SirSquidness Oct 11 2010, 10:46 AM

QUOTE (Akkers @ Oct 11 2010, 09:23 AM) *
When is the next respawn tongue.gif

December 11-12. Only two months away! biggrin.gif

Posted by: ThirtySix45 Oct 11 2010, 11:00 AM

I spent most of the LAN up stairs in bed due to having food poisoning friday night and thus feeling sick saturday and being extremely tired. What I can comment on though is :


- Pizza! 10 billion times better than the usual. Greta work on the switch.
- Network was crazy quick,


- To much yelling as usual, why people feel the need to yell abuse across the hall ill never know.

Posted by: Guni Oct 11 2010, 11:06 AM

Really enjoyed this respawn, you guys really had stuff down but whenever i went to ask a question on dc++ or talk to someone everyone seemed to jizz them self with my presence o.0. Dead man i want to talk to you about the timetable etc when you've got some free time, add me on steam or something :S = phoenix4675

Posted by: SirSquidness Oct 11 2010, 11:35 AM

QUOTE (Guni @ Oct 11 2010, 12:06 PM) *
[...] everyone seemed to jizz them self with my presence o.0. [...]

We'll work on resolving this issue by next LAN.

Posted by: soulink Oct 11 2010, 01:25 PM

I think pre-pay should be for %75 of atteding ppl next time, Means you get more turnout then eventually %100 prepay, everyone has access to prepay if if u dont like srsly... NUB!!

But overall great lan, i noticed the switching capacity was much much better and owner of the racks.. I had a slot for the entire lan FTW!! biggrin.gif

Anyway my 2 cents biggrin.gif

Posted by: Guni Oct 11 2010, 03:01 PM

QUOTE (SirSquidness @ Oct 11 2010, 12:35 PM) *
QUOTE (Guni @ Oct 11 2010, 12:06 PM) *
[...] everyone seemed to jizz them self with my presence o.0. [...]

We'll work on resolving this issue by next LAN.

Respawn V19

Guni's Xmas LAN

Ill get some t-shirt designs up soon tongue.gif biggrin.gif

now that i think about it, lets do it, everyone keen on a Guni Respawn Lan smile.gif.

Posted by: atticus Oct 11 2010, 04:33 PM

I was checking the food run screen until we gave up and went for Nando's, only to find the pizza run had opened while we'd been gone and closed like 2 minutes before we got back. It'd be nice if orders could be open earlier in the day or at least a notice of when the orders will be opening and closing posted early.

The trophies were cool, but the prizes for TF2 kind of sucked...we've gone from $100 each to $50 to $30 to a generic "black gaming mouse". I understand that sometimes not a lot of teams enter the comp but it's a disappointing trend.

Posted by: OM NOM NOM Oct 11 2010, 04:34 PM

the super awesome network biggrin.gif
Felt that the temperature was just right.

Cons:(not really Respawns fault)
People who don't wear Deodorant. (lol idea of small cans of deodorant as a present for the next LAN?)
Those idiots who kept on turning off the power on some of the tables (perhaps have a lock on the door?) (seriously disappointing though. I felt sorry for the other tables sad.gif)
Delay of Comps ( This was majorly because of the problem above ) (& possibly have notes on the comp info, eg. blur and the windows firewall issue)

So yes, fairly awesome. shame there wasn't as many as they said they would have, but that's because of the date setup, since the school holidays had ended.

Posted by: Jeffy Oct 11 2010, 05:55 PM

Quick Feedback Answers:
[Q] Deodorant?
[A] Something we are aware of, the problem with cans is, if everyone sprays them. If someone has allergies or something, they might get sick? or what not... and not everyone wants to be filling their lungs with delicious hydrocarbons instead of oxygen..

[Q] Pizza Order
[A] Orders normally start about 3pm and close 4pm, with all payments required by 4:30pm to give the store enough time to prepare the order we send them. Sorry if you missed out because you were out of the venue, but thats how it's always been.

[Q] Comp delays
[A] Deadman will probably correct me here, FLATOUT2 got held when we kept losing 2 players due to the power issue. Blur which we ran, you can't run ANY firewall. This was announced by R4N on the P.A. many times.

Posted by: JimmYownz Oct 11 2010, 08:39 PM

Pros: -Network was hectic as
-Awesome comps
-Free redbull/lollipops
-Well organised
-Awesome+fast pizza
Cons: -Power outage (handled it well though)
-Need more afk comps

Overall Great LAN!

Posted by: dead_man Oct 11 2010, 09:45 PM

QUOTE (Jeffy @ Oct 11 2010, 06:55 PM) *
[Q] Comp delays
[A] Deadman will probably correct me here, FLATOUT2 got held when we kept losing 2 players due to the power issue. Blur which we ran, you can't run ANY firewall. This was announced by R4N on the P.A. many times.

When we lost power for the 3rd time i decided to stop all Comps until we where 100% certain it was ready to roll.

Posted by: TheTacoMan Oct 12 2010, 01:34 PM


-Nerf Warz! Ammo isn't really that big of a problem when there is so much of it flying around. I was able to find enough darts to fill up my clips when it came time to leave.

HOWEVER! What i think may be cool, is if we have a dedicated 'nerf box' up at the front of the admin table. Anyone who finds darts can chuck them in the box, and when it's time to leave, you just get replacement darts from the box. This helps with the problem of people finding darts, but not the right ones (the slim fire darts vs the large ones)

If you guys are feeling partcularly generous, you can splurge for a couple of these bad boys: to keep up the front, so people can 'replenish supplies' mid battle.

It would also be cool if we could organize some kind of full scale nerf war AFK comp - paintball style. Not really sure how it would work, it would have to rely on people's honesty (you're out if you get hit).

-MASSIVE props to Sando for allowing League of Legends to work on the network, just another point that makes LoL a much better game than Heroes of Newerth!

-Pre-paid seat bookings were also a fantastic idea - I was able to sit up towards the admin desk, and away from the 'CSkiddies' that get a little too excited during their comps.

-Steam worked flawlessly. As well as the faster network making getting updates off the FTP a breeze, myself and my friends rarley had any of the connectivity issues we've had in the past.


I can't think of too much, this is honestly one of the best respawn's i've been to, but if I had to say something, it would be the constant announcements for people to move their cars. Seriously, people have been coming to this lan long enough, they are warned at the gatehouse, they know they should move their car as soon as they unpack, so if their car gets towed it's their own damn problem.

Posted by: SirSquidness Oct 12 2010, 02:30 PM

I can't think of too much, this is honestly one of the best respawn's i've been to, but if I had to say something, it would be the constant announcements for people to move their cars. Seriously, people have been coming to this lan long enough, they are warned at the gatehouse, they know they should move their car as soon as they unpack, so if their car gets towed it's their own damn problem.

A new idiot is born every few seconds.

Posted by: DArenberg Oct 12 2010, 09:39 PM

Had a great time at V18, The operation gets slicker each time. It was great not having to do a supermarket run for the first time the food and variety was good.

I want to just say thanks to the people around us bringing a good vibe to the area; includes Tacoman and the crew and Priorax and the crew. ohmy.gif and thanks to all the admin yet again.

Posted by: savage Oct 13 2010, 09:34 PM


-More people playing Games
-Team immunity
-Redbull smile.gif
-Food and cafe upfront


-Our seats were way to close to the guys behind us in damn desk chairs leaning back all the time.
-Yelling and screaming shit about dota and crap like that was just ridiculous, the cod4 and css yelling was not to bad
-Can someone shut the front doors once it gets dark? The breeze at times did get cold as the doors were not shut for some time.
-No bf2 comp? Last time bf2 was successful and had a fair few people playing for a fun game ?
-Empty seats .. sad.gif
-Anyway of knowing what versions to patch to for the fun comps?

Thats all i can think of, sorry if i offended anyone but i am just trying to be honest for the sake of the lan smile.gif

Posted by: R4N Oct 13 2010, 09:44 PM

Any constructive criticism will be well received. It is how we know what to change to make the lan better for everyone!

Posted by: Queen Gainer Oct 13 2010, 10:26 PM

QUOTE (Lord Infamous @ Oct 11 2010, 03:44 AM) *
It's a lan, lans are cool

I tried to "Volunteer", but found there was little order AND Tabk felt the need to yell at us like we we're earning $6 an hour at Mcdonalds. Yes We realise you asked for help once, but did we hear it the first time? NO. Was there reason to yell the second time because you assumed everyone was ignoring you? NO. so STFU

This is something I can agree with. We're not being paid by you, therefore you can't treat us like we're completely and utterly under you... Remember that we -did- pay just like everyone else to go to Respawn. Also, we're not psychic and can't hear your demands before you roll up to the table to yell at us for ignoring you or whatever.

But, on the other hand, we also didn't have enough people at the gopher table standing up for when help was needed. You volunteered your time; you got put on the nice close table; you need to follow through and not pull out half way. I was in the middle of a comp and I still stood up to go help with pizzas that I wasn't even eating.


Posted by: Lord Infamous Oct 14 2010, 04:18 AM

QUOTE (Queen Gainer @ Oct 13 2010, 11:26 PM) *
QUOTE (Lord Infamous @ Oct 11 2010, 03:44 AM) *
It's a lan, lans are cool

I tried to "Volunteer", but found there was little order AND Tabk felt the need to yell at us like we we're earning $6 an hour at Mcdonalds. Yes We realise you asked for help once, but did we hear it the first time? NO. Was there reason to yell the second time because you assumed everyone was ignoring you? NO. so STFU

This is something I can agree with. We're not being paid by you, therefore you can't treat us like we're completely and utterly under you... Remember that we -did- pay just like everyone else to go to Respawn. Also, we're not psychic and can't hear your demands before you roll up to the table to yell at us for ignoring you or whatever.

But, on the other hand, we also didn't have enough people at the gopher table standing up for when help was needed. You volunteered your time; you got put on the nice close table; you need to follow through and not pull out half way. I was in the middle of a comp and I still stood up to go help with pizzas that I wasn't even eating.


I was on a good table yet got told i'd have to move because it was booked. No idea if they actually showed up, but I left anyway.

I was happy to help with anything, but being yelled at instead of asked kind of puts a drag on it. Next time I might just go to work for the same thing, but actually make some papah ca$h money.

Posted by: Wombie Oct 14 2010, 07:13 AM

QUOTE (Lord Infamous @ Oct 13 2010, 07:18 PM) *
QUOTE (Queen Gainer @ Oct 13 2010, 11:26 PM) *
QUOTE (Lord Infamous @ Oct 11 2010, 03:44 AM) *
It's a lan, lans are cool

I tried to "Volunteer", but found there was little order AND Tabk felt the need to yell at us like we we're earning $6 an hour at Mcdonalds. Yes We realise you asked for help once, but did we hear it the first time? NO. Was there reason to yell the second time because you assumed everyone was ignoring you? NO. so STFU

This is something I can agree with. We're not being paid by you, therefore you can't treat us like we're completely and utterly under you... Remember that we -did- pay just like everyone else to go to Respawn. Also, we're not psychic and can't hear your demands before you roll up to the table to yell at us for ignoring you or whatever.

But, on the other hand, we also didn't have enough people at the gopher table standing up for when help was needed. You volunteered your time; you got put on the nice close table; you need to follow through and not pull out half way. I was in the middle of a comp and I still stood up to go help with pizzas that I wasn't even eating.


I was on a good table yet got told i'd have to move because it was booked. No idea if they actually showed up, but I left anyway.

I was happy to help with anything, but being yelled at instead of asked kind of puts a drag on it. Next time I might just go to work for the same thing, but actually make some papah ca$h money.

I found on a few occasions while i was chatting with friends like Sando (aka in the admin area) that there was often people lined up for drinks or something with no one there so on a few occasions i jumped up and served them cans or whatever. This isn't an issue for me, the issue was when i got grumpily told that i had to write down what i'd sold or enter the products into a programe. This too would have been fine had i been told prior that it was necicary, or been told nicely, considering i was HELPING. I'm not even a gopher nor was i a player in this instance i was just there to catch up with some mates for a bit.

Posted by: Guni Oct 14 2010, 08:58 PM

I just didnt help at all <3

Posted by: Wombie Oct 14 2010, 09:02 PM

guni: i can't figure out if you're a girl or a boy, what are you?

Posted by: Frookie Oct 14 2010, 09:20 PM

QUOTE (Wombie @ Oct 14 2010, 09:02 PM) *
guni: i can't figure out if you're a girl or a boy, what are you?

^ this

Posted by: Alioth Oct 14 2010, 09:50 PM

QUOTE (Wombie @ Oct 14 2010, 09:02 PM) *
guni: i can't figure out if you're a girl or a boy, what are you?


(Guni is a dude.)

Posted by: Jeffy Oct 14 2010, 11:58 PM

Hey All,

Please try to keep the general chatter into the other threads. This is purely a feedback thread where possible please.

For those of you who said, volunteering really didn't work. Thank you for providing us honest and blunt feedback. I've added this to a list of things the team as a whole are going to be discussing. If you have any thoughts or suggestions, you're welcome to PM a member of the admin team. Or even myself if you wish. We want honest feedback and any suggestions you could give that would improve the process.

We can't do all of the work on our own and really need help from you volunteers! So please don't be put off...



Posted by: Yurick Oct 15 2010, 05:24 AM

Pros: the majority of the lan was a great success everything that i involved myself in, i had a great time (with one exception)

Cons: The power outages, i was in the 3 rows with constant power outages, and although i was running a laptop and as such it didnt affect me too much (the switch was on a different power supply, and the intermittent power was enough to keep my battery topped up), it was annoying for everyone.
The blur comp: yes, i understand it was a fun comp, but theres nothing fun about playing the preliminary rounds 3 times and then being told that despite qualifying, they didnt keep track of your results, and youd have to play again, at that point i just quit.
The lack of forum mentioned starcraft tournament; im not sure what the situation was here, there was a sign up, but i never saw/heard an announcement that it was starting, correct me if im wrong.

I know it seems like the cons are much larger than the pros, but in all honesty, i just tried to describe the exact issue i was having, all in all, i had a wonderful time, and am definitely coming again.

P.S. Is there anywhere where the tournament results are listed?

Posted by: Guni Oct 15 2010, 10:43 AM

I wish i was a scene chick :/ sad.gif.

I'm a male, asif a girl of that hotness would be keen on respawn pplz. tongue.gif

Posted by: R4N Oct 15 2010, 10:48 AM

Gophers should not, and will not be yelled at in this manner again.
I will be managing all gopher finding duties from now on, so if any admin needs gophers they come to me first, and i get some gophers to help out.

This both takes the stress of finding gophers off the admins shoulders and ensures that the gophers get treated fairly. (I dont want to overwork anyone smile.gif)

Cool beans?

Posted by: Lord Infamous Oct 16 2010, 04:48 PM

QUOTE (Guni @ Oct 15 2010, 11:43 AM) *
I wish i was a scene chick :/ sad.gif.

I'm a male, asif a girl of that hotness would be keen on respawn pplz. tongue.gif

So I should decline my steam add sad.gif

Posted by: Shadow Reaper Oct 17 2010, 02:29 PM

Some stuff from a gopher for the friday setup:

A lot of the time there was not enough for gophers to do, while that stuff was done late at night. Eg the passes. If that could be done ealier in the day even though it may take longer, it means things are constantly being done.

Also, more tape for taping down the carpet squares. 4-5 rolls of gaffer / fabric tape should work as well it keeps the squares down til packup unlike the duct tape. The squares that weren't taped down were all over the place before 5pm when I got back.

Gopher's setting up their pc's or even putting them on tables was a hastle when we were laying the network cords down as we had to get things unplugged then replugged.

Packup there wasn't a lot to complain about as it just needed maybe a little more man-power at the start but there isn't a lot you can do about that of what I know of

Posted by: wolfmother Oct 17 2010, 02:48 PM

QUOTE (Shadow Reaper @ Oct 17 2010, 03:29 PM) *
Also, more tape for taping down the carpet squares. 4-5 rolls of gaffer / fabric tape should work as well it keeps the squares down til packup unlike the duct tape. The squares that weren't taped down were all over the place before 5pm when I got back.

Fabric tape leaves marks and stray threads on the ground afterwards, which is a huge amount of work to clean up. Does need more plastic tape though.

Posted by: Guni Oct 17 2010, 04:26 PM

QUOTE (Lord Infamous @ Oct 16 2010, 04:48 PM) *
QUOTE (Guni @ Oct 15 2010, 11:43 AM) *
I wish i was a scene chick :/ sad.gif.

I'm a male, asif a girl of that hotness would be keen on respawn pplz. tongue.gif

So I should decline my steam add sad.gif

I wouldnt add you anyway. ooooh snap!

Posted by: Cheb- Oct 17 2010, 09:41 PM

I think some of you need to back the fuck up. Sure, maybe the admins shouldn't yell at people for help, but some of you actually don't listen and have to be yelled at. Yeah, we'd like to enjoy the event also, but we've volunteered our time to help, you give a hand when you can, and say if you can't. Don't bitch because you've put your hand up, and get yelled at for not living up to what you've stated.

As for Tank, she's a one woman band most, if not all of the fucking time. Sure, she occasionally gets help from MiniWalks and other admins, but it's not enough. She needs a permanent support. Her whole side of things is like running an extra separate business with the amount of work she has to do. Cut her some slack and give her a fucking hand. It's just her doing all of this stuff that half you fucks probably don't even know about.

I'm one of the laziest fuck's around, I can admit this. I'm not the best of help, but I do what I can, when I can. And what really pissed me off is when I was looking for people to help me out, carting tables around to set up for poker to make Mini's and R4N's job easier. This was during all the bullshit with the power. We had numerous people out the back trying to fix the problem, and some of the comments I heard from you little shits was purely fucking disgusting. The people fixing the problem came back with the sweet smell of satisfaction, but also the stench of annoyance. Some of them were so drained that they couldn't continue with what they had planned. I don't even know if Mini went ahead with poker.

Everyone, motherfuckin' EH-VER-RI-WUN on the main team put so much effort into giving us all a good LAN experience. When things fuck up, it gets fixed as best as possible. Things get delayed due to problems, some of which you little fuckers cause, some of are due to admins managing other comps that are running overtime. Some sections are understaffed, which is when we run into problems. Then people point fingers. It's disturbing how quickly, and how harshly some of you people do it. No need to cut sick when shit ain't perfect.

Just back off, aight? Stop unnecessarily upsetting people when they're doing what they're assigned to do as best as that one person can. If one of the team yells at you, it's probably because they've been fucked around for a while and they're juggling many things and generally trying to get their shit done as best as they can.

Just...back the fuck up before I, and many others start personally attacking people to get them to lay off some of these people that are stressed to the fucking eyeballs trying their hardest to do their side of things.

I'm no writer, but are we clear?

As for the overall perspective on the LAN itself. It was great as usual, although it went by so fast. I don't think I'll buy 15-packs of Mother again, I'll just stick to the large amounts of 4-packs.

I had fun. So fuck you all.

-cheers, your colourful, lovable, not-so-gullible fuckface,


Posted by: Queen Gainer Oct 17 2010, 11:42 PM

QUOTE (Cheb- @ Oct 17 2010, 10:41 PM) *

u mad brah?

Posted by: LolSauce Oct 18 2010, 07:30 PM

QUOTE (Queen Gainer @ Oct 18 2010, 12:42 AM) *
QUOTE (Cheb- @ Oct 17 2010, 10:41 PM) *

u mad brah?

mad as

Posted by: SLoV Oct 18 2010, 09:37 PM

CONS : i dont think slov got enough praise for fixing the power, even when i was going to go home 3 hours before because i had work the next morning lolololol tongue.gif

Posted by: SLoV Oct 18 2010, 09:40 PM

QUOTE (SLoV @ Oct 18 2010, 10:37 PM) *
CONS : i dont think slov got enough praise for fixing the power, even when i was going to go home 3 hours before because i had work the next morning lolololol tongue.gif

and by praise i mean praise mayonnaise


Posted by: Jeffy Oct 18 2010, 11:11 PM

So if we get you a bottle of praise? You'll be happy?

Posted by: Lord Infamous Oct 19 2010, 08:25 AM

QUOTE (Cheb- @ Oct 17 2010, 10:41 PM) *
Blowing smoke up asses.

Did any of the people making smart arse comments actually volunteer to help? or were they just generic respawners?

Also, I have an idea.

Instead of screaming at people, use the mic to make a help announcement.

Yes some people do more work than others, and I'm sure they get a little something on the side for being part of the head admin team, doesn't mean I should bite my tongue and shut up about something that pissed me off. We're Volunteers and we paid ca$h to be there, I didn't appreciate being spoken to like an afghani war prisoner so I said so in the official Respawn V18 Comments and Criticism thread.

Posted by: R4N Oct 19 2010, 09:17 AM

QUOTE (Lord Infamous @ Oct 19 2010, 09:25 AM) *
QUOTE (Cheb- @ Oct 17 2010, 10:41 PM) *
Blowing smoke up asses.

Did any of the people making smart arse comments actually volunteer to help? or were they just generic respawners?

Also, I have an idea.

Instead of screaming at people, use the mic to make a help announcement.

Yes some people do more work than others, and I'm sure they get a little something on the side for being part of the head admin team, doesn't mean I should bite my tongue and shut up about something that pissed me off. We're Volunteers and we paid ca$h to be there, I didn't appreciate being spoken to like an afghani war prisoner so I said so in the official Respawn V18 Comments and Criticism thread.

Understood. I have taken all these comments under consideration.

Cheb- while i appreciate the enthusiasm, there were some issues on both sides of the coin here. I intend to fully resolve these issues by next event.

Posted by: SirSquidness Oct 19 2010, 10:18 AM

QUOTE (Lord Infamous @ Oct 19 2010, 09:25 AM) *
[...] and I'm sure they get a little something on the side for being part of the head admin team,[...]

I think you're talking about rewards/payments?

If that is what you mean, we (the admin team) get free entry and a free shirt. We get no other tangible rewards.

One day I hope to be able to convert love and adoration in to pure gold.

Posted by: Guni Oct 19 2010, 05:13 PM

QUOTE (SirSquidness @ Oct 19 2010, 11:18 AM) *
One day I hope to be able to convert love and adoration in to pure gold.

You'd be broke if that were the case smile.gif

Posted by: SirSquidness Oct 19 2010, 06:30 PM


Posted by: Lord Infamous Oct 20 2010, 09:31 AM

QUOTE (SirSquidness @ Oct 19 2010, 11:18 AM) *
QUOTE (Lord Infamous @ Oct 19 2010, 09:25 AM) *
[...] and I'm sure they get a little something on the side for being part of the head admin team,[...]

I think you're talking about rewards/payments?

If that is what you mean, we (the admin team) get free entry and a free shirt. We get no other tangible rewards.

One day I hope to be able to convert love and adoration in to pure gold.

What about:
Free food, Free Porn, Free movies, Free ego stroking. It all counts man.

If you guys truly do this for free, and the only reason I doubt it is because I know Sando is one lazy mother fucker. Then I've got a bit more respect for you guys for putting up with all the shit you have to put up with. but my point still stands. Don't treat me like a P.O.W, and I won't swing my mighty internet axe of eternal vengeance and suffering +5 poison damage.

Posted by: Alioth Oct 20 2010, 10:23 AM

EVERYONE needs to harden the fuck up.
Sif you all don't like being dominated and told what to do.
Admins, feel free to yell at me anytime wink.gif

Posted by: SirSquidness Oct 20 2010, 06:26 PM

QUOTE (Lord Infamous @ Oct 20 2010, 10:31 AM) *
[...]entire post lol[...]

Free ego stroking, eh? Hrm... Hrm. *ahem*

For the record, Sando isn't lazy. he's lousy. A very lousy administrator.

Posted by: TheTacoMan Oct 22 2010, 11:41 AM

QUOTE ("Cheb-")

Cool story, bro.

PS: I know exactly who you mean when you talk about the 'little shits' but most of them wouldn't even be in this forum.

Most of the people who actually visit this forum and post are just people who want to help make respawn better

Posted by: Yurick Oct 22 2010, 12:08 PM

I understand some gophers don't pull their weight, that's a fact of life. Maybe just keep track of the people who are constantly helping out and then reward those people, it wouldn't take much, an honorable mention on the front page of the wall for the top 3 gophers, maybe a small prize (like the candy box things that were being distributed at random for people who stayed till the end at v18) or somesuch. Make it a competition to help out the most, and you will be beating them away with the proverbial stick (nerf gun).

Another thought, maybe set up a roster system, where the gophers are put on shifts during the lan, to avoid those people being overworked. Before the lan, get the gophers to reserve times that they want to be playing in tournaments and such, and try to work out a balance?

The idle ramblings of someone who has no real clue about the amount of organisation that goes in to this sort of thing in terms of hours/days preparation.

Posted by: priorax Oct 22 2010, 12:49 PM

At the same time, as someone who has gophered for a few events, I have found the easiest ways to get work there:

A) Have the admin team memorise your names. I remember my first time gophering was at the Hollywood-themed LAN and Miniwalks saying "See, I am a celebraty because he knows my name but I have no idea who the hell he is", then this event he had me running power cables by myself for the admin area
cool.gif Stay realatively close to the admin area, it was because of that (in my oppinion) that I got roped into cooking the BBQ with Vortex

Posted by: TheTacoMan Nov 7 2010, 03:59 PM

There was something i read on the now-dead Xlan forums, which seemed pretty prevalent to here.

Whenever I think back to Xlan, I remember gaming a LOT more. Whenever I think of Respawn, i only remember idling in DC++.

What was different was that Xlan admins actively shut down DC++ servers. While I do have a GREAT love of DC++, and respawn is a fantastic place for me to go to stock up on all the latest Linux Build's and free demos, I think this is what needs to happen for us.

The problem is, people get way too involved in DC. They get a slot from a big seeder and are reluctant to let it go. This leads to people not gaming anywhere near as much, as their machines will lag from the DC (especially those using the newer hashing versions) and they refuse to shut it down.

If the admins are actively shutting down DC hubs, i think everything will be a lot smoother. Sure, there will still be DC THERE. Someone will just restart the hub under a different name, or someone else will host a hub, but people will be less worried about 'LOOSIN MAH SLUTS' as the hub could go down at any minute.

Combine this with the guys that ONLY show up for the CSS, tournament, ONLY play CSS and leave immediately after, and the amount of guys just playing random games for fun is dramatically shortened. The last time I can remember having a large, sustained gaming session at respawn was when a whole bunch of us filled up a 24 player 'the ship' server and played for at least four hours. This was about... five respawns ago.

The big support that fun-comps have been getting has been great, but they are just short bursts - people play them, then go back to leeching. We really need to kill DC if we want this lan to be about gaming instead of leeching.

Posted by: oohms Nov 8 2010, 07:57 AM

It depends on other things too.. i have been to several lans where there was no DC, but there was no real gaming either

Posted by: R4N Nov 8 2010, 12:26 PM

We don't run hubs, but we cannot actively enforce hub removal for 2 reasons.

1. In the case of physical checks, were short staffed as is. We can find a hubs IP, trace it to an outlet and find the culprit, but all of this takes annoying amounts of time.

2. in the case of automatic port based blocking of the DC++ protocol, it would cause unacceptable slowdown in network performance and latency.

my response to DC++ or, pretty much any form of file sharing on a lan is, if you kill one protocol, people will find another. And there are very good reasons to have a file sharing protocol active at a lan. Many times I have found myself in need of a driver or and updated game patch. While Respawn attempts to supply this in the form of an FTP server, we often find ourselves not having a update for a specific game. DC++ makes it quite easy to find it.

Posted by: wolfmother Nov 8 2010, 01:58 PM

QUOTE (R4N @ Nov 8 2010, 01:26 PM) *
1. In the case of physical checks, were short staffed as is. We can find a hubs IP, trace it to an outlet and find the culprit, but all of this takes annoying amounts of time.

2. in the case of automatic port based blocking of the DC++ protocol, it would cause unacceptable slowdown in network performance and latency.

Incidentally, neither of these would really work anyway.

Posted by: Jeffy Nov 8 2010, 11:43 PM

QUOTE (wolfmother @ Nov 8 2010, 02:58 PM) *
QUOTE (R4N @ Nov 8 2010, 01:26 PM) *
1. In the case of physical checks, were short staffed as is. We can find a hubs IP, trace it to an outlet and find the culprit, but all of this takes annoying amounts of time.

2. in the case of automatic port based blocking of the DC++ protocol, it would cause unacceptable slowdown in network performance and latency.

Incidentally, neither of these would really work anyway.

Actually they would. Port blocking can shut ports of hub servers.

Posted by: priorax Nov 9 2010, 02:05 AM

Yes, but then the hub can always be opened on other ports.
So while port blocking may help fix the problem short-term, it's not a permanent solution

Posted by: Lord Infamous Nov 9 2010, 02:24 AM

Thats what she said.

Posted by: oohms Nov 9 2010, 11:51 AM

DC hub on port 80 kgo

Posted by: Danog Nov 10 2010, 08:57 PM

How about we don't shut down DC++ and try an alternative.

How about, if we want to play a game, walk up to the front and have it announced.

Problem solved.

Posted by: Lord Infamous Nov 11 2010, 03:06 AM

The mic is for yelling annoying memes into, not this garbage you want.

Posted by: TheTacoMan Nov 11 2010, 01:40 PM

QUOTE (priorax @ Nov 9 2010, 03:05 AM) *
Yes, but then the hub can always be opened on other ports.
So while port blocking may help fix the problem short-term, it's not a permanent solution

If you read what I'd posted, I never intended for it to be a permanent solution. I am a fan of DC++, however, i believe that if the hub gets randomly shut down every now and then (or switched to a different port or whatever) there will be a whole lot less leeching and a whole lot more gaming.

Wouldn't it be too hard or time consuming for the admins to simply shut it down and re-start it under a different IP every few hours (and then NOT advertise the new IP), would it?

Posted by: SirSquidness Nov 11 2010, 01:55 PM

QUOTE (TheTacoMan @ Nov 11 2010, 02:40 PM) *
[...]Wouldn't it be too hard or time consuming for the admins to simply shut it down and re-start it under a different IP every few hours (and then NOT advertise the new IP), would it?

We don't have anything to do with DC++ in the first place and we wont start a hub, including to 'restart' a hub.

Posted by: Sando Nov 11 2010, 02:15 PM

That's more than enough discussion on DC++ guys. Any further posts on the matter will be deleted.

Posted by: Maelstrom Nov 11 2010, 07:33 PM

QUOTE (Sando @ Nov 11 2010, 03:15 PM) *
That's more than enough discussion on DC++ guys. Any further posts on the matter will be deleted.

Damn, too late to post my opinion. tongue.gif

I reckon for coordinating games (especially for those too lazy to go up the front), IRC is the best tool. There's a server running every respawn (afaik), the only problem is the initial setup. But I believe there was talk of a web-client being put up on the intranet at some point?

Posted by: priorax Nov 11 2010, 07:35 PM

Yes, but again, from memory, there isn't a mention on the EMS of the IRC Server Details

Posted by: Patryn Nov 11 2010, 09:12 PM

there's an IRC server at respawn?

that would be awesome if we could create chans for each style of game...
like having a #rpg channel for games like diablo, etc.
#rts channel for games like C&C, War3, etc.
#shooter channel for games like CSS, UT, etc.
#racer channel for games like blur, flatout2, etc.

and many others!!! and popular games can even have their own channel! so much easier for information sharing!

Posted by: Prim Nov 25 2010, 09:39 PM

openttd and in general more gaming
looking forward to minecraft too if some time

no starcraft2
flatout2 still refuses to run sad.gif

otherwise no issues with organisation of event

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