Hi Captain_Xeno and Carlos Spicyweiner,
Technically speaking, between midnight and 8-9am Sunday we can't register new entrants into the system. This is because the people trained on how to do so (and authorised to do so) are all up doing the morning and day, and having a well-earned sleep by then.
If you pop by during the day and sign in, we'll very happily welcome you back in (if you're wearing your tags of course, otherwise I'll chase you out!!)
I'm up during the night shift, so can help out with that sort of thing, as is Kelso. He might be able to process newcomers in the wee hours,
but I cannot guarantee it, nor can I recommend it.
Essentially: As a general rule, due to the ridiculously low demand and the fact that most of us need sleep (curse my weak flesh!), we don't have people on overnight to handle newcomers to the LAN. I theorise it can be done if the demand is there, but I cannot guarantee it without an admin saying yes.
Send me a PM if you need more clarification or a way to work around your situation
yoshiyoshi (Robert Graf)