22:05:25 < Old_Camper> BOB 22:05:33 < Old_Camper> DID YOU KNOW THAT IF YOU DON'T HAVE AN IPHONE 22:05:37 < Old_Camper> YOU DON'T HAVE AN IPOD IN YOUR PHONE? 22:05:43 <@SirSquid> HOL 22:05:44 <@SirSquid> LY 22:05:45 <@SirSquid> SHIT 22:09:35 < Old_Camper> if i ever met anyone who said "haha, my phone has an ipod in it, does yours?" 22:09:42 < Old_Camper> i think i would fall over hysterically 22:09:58 < Old_Camper> and the fact that apple use it as their marketing tool for the iphone 22:10:06 < Old_Camper> tells me that there are probably heaps of people who would say that 22:10:13 <+HrdwrBoB> Old_Camper: HOLY SHIT
I know, not the best, but I feel that this thread is being neglected.