Genoxell and Bodyblades looking for team members for the following games
Either Csgo or Dota 2.
I'm Dmg, Bodyblades is gold nova 4. Have won csgo tournament once before. Also placed first in gun game.
For Dota 2 we both use to be in Amateur dota teams including our own, plus won dota/dota 2 at respawn four times over the years.
Looking for three players. Doesn't matter too much about hero list, i do have a few strats for certain maps, just need to be able to cooperate in team work
i'm level 40 and rank 30+ in Hero mode, Bodyblades is still leveling up to 40.
Looking for one more member. not so fussed on experience.
add me on:
bnet - genoxell#1569
steam -